jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

STATIONARY-from Shanghai!

My mother returned from China, after 2 months and a half(a few months ago), I´m glad my grandmother is feeling better now, but it was really scary to live all alone with my little brother (I am 16)
So here are the gifts of compensation from her!
stamps, deco-tapes, tipp-ex, a bag and some black gel pens, and stationary:)
thanks mum!

some souvenirs from the airport of denmark!
those are yummy!

mm some Paris airport souvenirs,and postcards from Denmark!

and that´s not all! here are some bookmarks from Shanghai!
next post will be more recent, about my trip to Shanghai! my grandmother is more or less okay,, I hope she recovers...it´s difficult, but kee`p fighting! we will visit you anoother time soon!:3


Here are some postcards I received from my mum when she was in Shanghai~

 And here some postcards I bought at Santo Domingo Church(Ibiza), a vintage postcard  and finally some postcards of Ibiza!

 and some postcards my mum gave me! those are from China (Shanghai)

 more vintage Spanish postcards
 and finally some Ibiza postcards!!

sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

handmade bookmark:3 japanese doll

 hi! I forgot to post this! I made it back in March, this was my first bookmark of the year, and it includes a drawing I drew myself. At first I wanted to include this band I made, colouring with black and red, but at the end I just didn´t know where to put it, so I´ll use it other time. Here is the photo with the materials I used (note that I forgot to include the red stabilo point88 fineliner adn I didn´t use the red paper...just the white paper)

some new useful supplies I used for this project(I really needed double sided tape and the red string)

here is part of the process, I actually drew it myself, and then cut the pieces of cloth, to stick them  with some folded paper between them to make a 3D effect in the sleeves--->see images below

The materials tha I used for the kimono. As you can see, I drew the flowers using stabilo red fineliner , I added some red glitter gel pen to make it sparky and right in the middle of the flower I used a white gel pen. I drew the black and with white gel pen I made the detail in the sleeves.

a close-up of the kimono

 I finished colouring it with pencil colours (faber-castell) and water based markers (edding:black and red, and brown for the eyes).Once finshed colouring I glued all the pieces together and I cut the doll. on another piece of paper I put a red string (the one you usually use for wrapping presents) from the front to the back, I sticked the doll and  made a whole with a punch and outlined it with a silver marker (edding 1200), and I outlined again with a black biro pen.

 I put the string, made a note, wrote KAWAII &CUTE (even though it would have been great if I actually could have any stamps, but at the moment I have to write it myself)

 This is the back. the flowers were cut by me with the same paper I used for the kimono. I outlined the border of both flowers with the stabilo fineliner and with a heart shaped punch I made a 2 hearts to glue in the middle of the flower, the small flower has the heart outlined with a silver colour marker so that the heart looked smaller (well that was the intention). I outlined the whole like the other side, and cut a piece of white paper, writing "Be Happy"and decorating it by hand. I used to hava a really messy handwriting, but I guess know is okay. I cut another bigger piece of red paper and sticked it together. I outlined the border with the red edding marker.

So for this I used scissors(I drew the flowers and cut them afterwards, that´s why some petals look strange)the hearts were made with the paper of a cholate box, do you recognise that pattern? ("La caja roja de Nestlé"yummy)
that´s all, for now!
UFF, THANKS GOD THAT I REMEMBERED HOW I DID THIS...I did this bookmark 3 weeks ago...
NOw I have to study maths , hehe

Thank´s for passing by! please visit   MY ART PAGE

Mojo Monday 287

this is my first time doing some card using a skecth and also this is my very first card of the year(I think this is the third card I made in all my life?)First mojo, too :3 hehe, new year new challenges
ok, this is how it looks(sorry that the photo isn´t really neat, my phone´s camera isn´t really good)

I made the flower by floding different pieces of paper of different kind of papers and colours and folded them three times and cut three petals, then I unfolded and made 6 times, of different sizes and I put them together with that silver heart(under the silver heart, in the centre of the flower there is a red heart, madewith a heart shaped craft punch)
the words "be happy" were written by me, since I don´t have any stamps(I do have lots of paper, though). Actually it was quite challenging because the flower was already there...
With a border punch I made those wholes (fiskars is the brand), and the silver border of the red piece was coloured with a silver Edding 1200 marker and those black(supposed to be hearts)were drawn with a black biro pen. 
The orange flower patterned piece was a paper of Clairefontaine, papers of the world.I liked its gold coloured flowers.I drew the black border.
I pasted some pearls and I put a red lace on the top.

from the top

close up

it was quite fun to make this, I hope you like it!:)
usually I am more into drawing here----->my art page
PS. I always loved crafting, but never found the time...and for drawing...I used to doodle anywhere, so, well, I started to take it seriously after I found deviantart, 4 months ago.

sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Art supplies+art/craft work

 Hi! it has been a long time since I last posted something so I just wanted to show you these photos
 first are some envelopes I made , hehe, what do you think? it´s the first time I made some, and I didn´t unse any reference, just some present paper, ruler, scissors, green paper and glue.Hope you like it!

some WIP for a DeviantArt contest (a skecth, I eventually finished it ----->http://cutekawaii96.deviantart.com/art/Erinyes-and-Shintaro-edit-more-colour-357323858?ga_submit_new=10%253A1362261816)

this is a mill I made, now Iñm showing you the process
I wanted to try if it would look good if i made it with a 6cm square, so I had to cut it from the paper, but actually you only need a square(I also drew the pattern)

here is cut!:3

now you just have to make a line from every side and cut half and fold it, like this

the back

voilà! finished!
I added a sticker in the centre

a heart! I used these papers

close.ups of the origami paper!
close ups! the paper
and A picture of a recent drawing...that´s all for now,s ee ya