jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

STATIONARY-from Shanghai!

My mother returned from China, after 2 months and a half(a few months ago), I´m glad my grandmother is feeling better now, but it was really scary to live all alone with my little brother (I am 16)
So here are the gifts of compensation from her!
stamps, deco-tapes, tipp-ex, a bag and some black gel pens, and stationary:)
thanks mum!

some souvenirs from the airport of denmark!
those are yummy!

mm some Paris airport souvenirs,and postcards from Denmark!

and that´s not all! here are some bookmarks from Shanghai!
next post will be more recent, about my trip to Shanghai! my grandmother is more or less okay,, I hope she recovers...it´s difficult, but kee`p fighting! we will visit you anoother time soon!:3


Here are some postcards I received from my mum when she was in Shanghai~

 And here some postcards I bought at Santo Domingo Church(Ibiza), a vintage postcard  and finally some postcards of Ibiza!

 and some postcards my mum gave me! those are from China (Shanghai)

 more vintage Spanish postcards
 and finally some Ibiza postcards!!