sábado, 2 de marzo de 2013

Art supplies+art/craft work

 Hi! it has been a long time since I last posted something so I just wanted to show you these photos
 first are some envelopes I made , hehe, what do you think? it´s the first time I made some, and I didn´t unse any reference, just some present paper, ruler, scissors, green paper and glue.Hope you like it!

some WIP for a DeviantArt contest (a skecth, I eventually finished it ----->http://cutekawaii96.deviantart.com/art/Erinyes-and-Shintaro-edit-more-colour-357323858?ga_submit_new=10%253A1362261816)

this is a mill I made, now Iñm showing you the process
I wanted to try if it would look good if i made it with a 6cm square, so I had to cut it from the paper, but actually you only need a square(I also drew the pattern)

here is cut!:3

now you just have to make a line from every side and cut half and fold it, like this

the back

voilà! finished!
I added a sticker in the centre

a heart! I used these papers

close.ups of the origami paper!
close ups! the paper
and A picture of a recent drawing...that´s all for now,s ee ya